Leave of Absence
  1. Leave of absence is not granted except for serious reasons and only on a previously written application of the parent/ guardian. Kindly discourage leave merely for social and religious functions.
  2. When a student is on leave without prior permission her parent is required to come and submit a leave application on the same day.(Refer to format for leave application printed in the diary.)
  3. If a student falls sick her leave application should be sent within two days otherwise teacher will mark her as absent in the attendance register. If she continues to be sick a medical certificate should be produced. When the student re-joins, the leave application and a medical fitness certificate from the same doctor must be shown to allow the student to re-join.
  4. Whenever a student remains absent for a day or two, parent have to write and send a leave note in the School diary(refer to Leave record)
  5. Parents / Guardians who for a good reason would like to take their children home during school hours must come themselves to the school office. A student will be allowed to go home only if escorted by a family member during school hours
  6. Students availing more than one week’s leave of absence must get the Leave Application signed first by the Principal.
  7. Absence, without sanctioned leave for more than 15 consecutive days renders a student liable to have her name struck off the rolls. As a rule are not readmitted, but if re-admission is granted then the parents have to pay admission fee again.
  8. During School hours, parents/guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers or visit the class room or walk about in the School premises etc. They need permission from the Principal to do so.